Friday, October 10, 2008

whoring myself

The Google Gods tell me that my website is only searchable if there are links to it. So i'm gonna put a link to it here, since nobody reads this blog anyway. and if you do, uh, don't judge me for the 1. bad design, unless you're a designer and want to pro bono this baby 2. complete whoring of myself.
i find that i need to have online photos, resume, reel, and general braggadacio for the purpose of acting stuff. so don't judge. actually, the only person reading this is probably shirley, in which case, you can laugh all you want.
this is only temporary til i can really get my shit together and snag a sparkly li'l catchy URL and better UFI.
My Whoring Website


Unknown said...

hey, i AM reading it! so i will take the liberty of following your directive: mwa hahahahahaha

Unknown said...

oh my god, that was before i saw the actual site! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! sorry, it's funny... erm, yes.

designingthenest said...

your FACE is funny!