Saturday, July 5, 2008

shanghai, day 3: a fine fallow

first day of shooting and already i'm wondering how i'm going to deal with a week of muggy, humid 100-degree weather on location. i try hard to suppress the diva within on sets, but sometimes, certain factors can make it come out. for example: lack of AD, long days, ridiculously hot weather, being eaten alive by mosquitoes, and having to iron clothes that are not my own because nobody else on set knows how to do it. yuuup. the glamorous life of a TV host.

that being said, today was also the first day i met my co-host, James Fallows, of The Atlantic Monthly and NPR. what a truly nice gentleman! i've spent the last few weeks reading up on his articles and gradually becoming more and more intimidated by the breadth of his work in journalism, his past as a Nader Raider, and former chief speech writer for President Carter, among dozens of other accolades. But upon meeting him, I'm wowed more just by his humbleness, his patience and gentle nature, and his nutty sense of humor.

on another note, i think perhaps i've caught the notice of the head honchos up in this beotch called China, if you know what i mean. i posted a comment about being locked up in china on my friend's 'dating the law' website (see sidebar) asking her to bail me out as my Homeland Security hook up, if it were to happen, and it never got posted. DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

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